Yield: enough to make about 90 cookies.
Butter 3 oz 90 g 86
Confectioners’ sugar 4 oz 120 g
Egg whites 3 oz 90 g 86
Cake flour 3.5 oz 105 g 100
Sliced almonds 2.5 oz 75 g 70
Batter weight: 13 oz 405 g
Note This batter is also known as stencil paste. Instead of the simple
round stencils for tuiles, stencils of any shape or size can be cut and
used for various decorative effects.
P r o c e d u r e
Creaming method:
1. Soften the butter to a creamy consistency. Add the sugar and whip until
thoroughly mixed.
2. Whip in the egg whites.
3. Sift the flour over the mixture and mix in well.
Stencil method;
Line a sheet pan with a silicone mat or, if a mat is not
available, a sheet of parchment paper. Use a commercially made stencil,
or make a stencil by cutting a round hole in a sheet of thick plastic or thin
cardboard (the cardboard used for cake boxes is suitable). For petit-foursize
tuiles, make the circle 21⁄2 in. (6 cm) in diameter. Using an offset
palette knife, spread the batter across the stencil, then lift off the stencil. Sprinkle with a few sliced almonds.
350°F (175°C) about 5 to 10 minutes depending on thickness, until lightly
browned. Remove the baked cookies from the baking sheet and
immediately curve over a rolling pin or in a tuile rack and allow to cool.


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