Kromeskies, or cromesquis, are found frequently in early nineteenth century cookery books and appear to be strange hybrids, part-French, part-Polish, part-sausage, part-croquette. In any case they are wholly delicious. This version was the one favoured by the South Kensington School of Cookery in its heyday, over one hundred years ago.
List of Ingredients
Onion -                         1 medium, finely chopped
Mushrooms -                110g finely chopped
Butter -                         25g
Fresh breadcrumbs -    110g
Egg yolks -                   2
Double cream -             2 tbsp
Salt, pepper and nutmeg
Cooked chicken, turkey, ham or tongue -      225g (8 oz), chopped
Streaky bacon rashers -                              4 thinly cut, rinds removed
Oil -                                                                 for frying

Plain flour -                         175g (6 oz)
Salt -                                     pinch
Oil -                                       2 tsp
Tepid water -                      300 ml (½ pint)
Egg whites –                        2
Yeast-                                   5gm

Cook the onions and mushrooms in butter for a few minutes. When they are soft but not browned mix them with the breadcrumbs, egg yolks, cream, salt, pepper and a grating of nutmeg. Stir in the chopped meat.
Stretch the bacon rashers and flatten them with the blade of a knife. Cut each one in half, spread it thickly with the mixture and roll up.
To make the batter, put the flour and salt in a bowl, pour the oil in the centre, gradually add the water, stirring it well with a wooden spoon to make a creamy batter.
Beat the egg white to a stiff foam and fold it lightly into the batter.

Dip the bacon rolls into the mixture and deep-fry them to a golden brown, about 5 minutes. Drain on kitchen paper and serve very hot. 


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