This is also known as Confectioner’s Custard or Pastry Cream. This is the basic filling used in classical pies, pastries and desserts. It can also be used to make puddings and when thinned down can be used as a sauce.

Eggs                                  8 No.s
Sugar                             350 gms
Salt                                 a pinch
Flour                              120 gms
Milk                             1000 ml.
Vanilla                             15 ml.
Butter                              30 gms


a)      The method is similar to that of crème Anglaise.
b)      First the flour, sugar, salt eggs and vanilla essence are mixed together lightly.
c)      Bring the milk to a boil and add it drop by drop and then steadily, into the egg mixture.
d)     Take it to the double boiler and cook it till the mixture thickens.
e)      Add the butter and give a stir and remove from the heat and pour into a hygienic container and either dust with icing sugar or cover with wax paper in order to prevent crust formation.

Deluxe Pastry Cream: The whole eggs can be replaced with 16 yolks.
Chocolate Pastry Cream: Add 150 gms of chopped dark chocolate to the hot pastry cream and continue stirring till the chocolate dissolves.
Coffee Pastry Cream: Add 15 gms of instant coffee powder to the milk while boiling it.

Crème St. Honoré: This is pastry cream to which beaten egg whites have been added. It has to be used immediately or stabilized with gelatin. For the basic pastry cream recipe, 30 gms of softened gelatin is added and then 750 gms of egg whites beaten to soft peaks is folded in.


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