Procedures for Tempering Chocolate
Method 1: Tablage
1. In all stages of this procedure, do not let even a trace of moisture come in contact with
the chocolate.
2. With a heavy knife, chop the chocolate into small pieces. Place the pieces in a dry
stainless-steel bowl.
3. Set the bowl in a pan of warm water. Stir the chocolate constantly so it melts uniformly.
4. Continue stirring until the chocolate is completely melted and reaches the proper
temperature, as indicated in the table on page 580.
5. Remove the bowl from the water bath. Wipe all traces of moisture from the bottom of the
bowl to avoid contaminating the chocolate.
6. Pour about two-thirds of the chocolate onto a marble slab (a). With a metal scraper and
a spatula, spread out the chocolate and quickly scrape it back together, continuing to
mix the chocolate so that it cools uniformly (b).
7. When the chocolate cools to the proper temperature (78°–84°F or 26°–29°C, as indicated
in the table on page 580), it will become thick and pasty. Quickly scrape it back into the
bowl with the remaining melted chocolate (c).
8. Mix and reheat the chocolate over hot water to the proper rewarming temperature
(84°–89°F or 29°–32°C, depending on the chocolate). Do not warm it above the
recommended temperature. The chocolate is now ready for use.
Procedure Variation
Instead of working the chocolate on a marble slab in step 6, some chefs prefer to set
the entire bowl over ice water and stir until the chocolate cools to the proper
temperature. Then they rewarm the chocolate as in step 8. This method may not
produce chocolate with as good a temper, and it adds the risk of getting water in the
chocolate. However, it has the advantage of speed.
Method 2: Seeding or Injection
1. Chop the chocolate to be melted into small pieces as in method 1.
2. Cut fine shreds or shavings from a block of tempered chocolate and set them aside.
3. Melt the chopped chocolate as in method 1.
4. Remove the melted chocolate from the water bath. Stir in some of the shaved chocolate.
5. When these shavings are nearly all melted, add a few more shavings. Continue adding
and stirring until the melted chocolate is cooled down to the proper tempering point
and all the added shavings are melted. Do not add the shavings too fast or they may not
all melt.
6. Rewarm the chocolate as in method 1.


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